BreakingLands Wiki

Tower vindicator 10

"Gatling gun. when in the Sniper Mode, it is capable of mowing down hordes of ground units at long range. Requires constant gunner recharge."

Tower vindicator 1 Tower vindicator 2 Tower vindicator 3 Tower vindicator 4 Tower vindicator 5
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Tower vindicator 6 Tower vindicator 7 Tower vindicator 8 Tower vindicator 9 Tower vindicator 10
Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10

  • Summary
    • The Vindicator is a defensive rapid-firing turret that has two fire-modes.
    • In the first mode it is configured to target ground units only (at a 14-tile range)In the second mode it can attack both kind of units at an 11-tile range.

  • Defensive Strategy
    • A well-placed and loaded Vindicator will dominate attacks, but to be most effective it should not be used as a front-line defense. With the longest range of any defense, it is best placed behind all other defenses, typically in the center of a base (near either storages or the Town Hall). 
    • Remember to refill your Vindicator with resources! An unloaded Vindicator is not only a waste of space, it is a good indicator that your base may be neglected and ripe for attack.
  • Offensive Strategy
    • The Vindicator has essentially no weaknesses unless it is set to ground-only mode.
    • In order to attack a Vindicator, treat it like a longer-ranged (and much stronger) Gun or Gun Turret, but don't forget that many units are not a problem for this tower. Distract it with high-health units and destroy it with a large group of attackers such as Musketeers or Grunts.

  • Trivia
    • It is currently the only defense that can be changed to target different kinds of enemies, i.e. between targeting ground troops only or both ground and air troops (with slightly reduced range).
    • It is also currently the only building that needs to be periodically reloaded.
    • In ground-only mode, the Vindicator has the longest range of any defensive building in the game at 14 tiles.

Level Hitpoints Damage Icon coin1 Build Cost Experience Gained Build Time Town Hall Level Required
1 1500 14 3000000 9720 6 d 18 h 16
2 1600 15 3300000 9960 6 d 22 h 17
3 1800 16 3700000 10440 7 d 6 h 17
4 1900 17 4200000 11160 7 d 18 h 18
5 2100 18 4700000 12120 8 d 10 h 18
6 2200 19 5300000 13320 9 d 6 h 19
7 2400 20 5900000 14760 10 d 6 h 19
8 2500 21 6500000 16440 11 d 10 h 19
9 2700 22 7300000 18360 12 d 18 h 20
10 2800 23 8000000 20160 14 d 20
Defensive Buildings GunGun TurretMortarScorpioWatch TowerVindicatorHidden TeslaWallsTraps : Ancient MineIridium MinePitfallPredatory PittSurpriseInfernal SurpriseMine BundleMega BombLureFrantic KegAshe 500Giga Ashe
Resource Buildings MillMintWorker's HouseBarnBankElevatorTaxman
Army Buildings Parade GroundBarracksLabBig BerthaTavern
Other Buildings Town HallClan CastleDecorationsObstacles